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Breathtaking aerial imagery of Brøndby Haveby near Copenhagen shows circular garden communities where city dwellers can escape to enjoy fresh air, open skies and tend to their own allotments.
Brøndby Garden City: A Place Where Communities Live In Gardens Circles Together
A series of seriously visually stunning aerial shots of Brøndby Haveby (or Brøndby Garden City) just outside Copenhagen in Denmark, have been circulating online and completely captivated the world. The curiously circular community of communities was built in 1964 to the design of“genius landscape architect Erik Mygind,”Brøndby Haveby mimics“the traditional patterns of the 18th century Danish villages, where people would use the middle as a focal point for hanging out, mingle and social interchange between neighbors.”says Henry Do, the photographer who brought the world’s attention to the unique settlement. Image links to Google Earth and Henry Do’s Instagram for more spectacular imagery.
ECO-FRIENDLY GARDEN CITY OF DENMARK These circle garden communities offer an escape from city life and look amazing from the sky! Source: Facebook/Wast-Ed
Being outside is great for your health, but there’s a lot you can do to make your indoors healthier too! When we think about our health, the natural tendency is to focus on good nutrition and exercise, and perhaps we spend less time focusing on how our environment can affect our wellbeing. If you want to clean up your house or apartment to make it a safer environment, check out these 8 suggestions to make your home more healthy.