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Architecture enthusiasts might recognise the name Carl Theodor Marius Sørensen and the oval gardens of Naerum are one of his famous projects and among Denmark’s most beautiful attractions.
Amazing allotment gardens
The Naerum suburban district of Copenhagen, in Denmark, is the setting for one of the most visually appealing allotment gardens in the world. Søren Carl Theodor Marius Sørensen is considered one of the greatest landscape architects to have ever lived, and the oval gardens of Naerum are one of his most famous projects. In 1948, 40 oval allotment gardens, each measuring approximately 25 × 15 m, were laid out on a rolling lawn, between public housing on one side and more traditional allotments on the other. Owners were free to position their cottages, select the surrounding hedges, and lay out the interior of their plots, but Sørensen provided some directions, stressing that they were meant as a guide, not rules. Seventy later, and the oval gardens of Naerum are still one of the most beautiful attractions in the Danish capital. To see Denmark’s round gardens (as opposed to oval) located n Brøndby Haveby, click here.
Being outside is great for your health, but there’s a lot you can do to make your indoors healthier too! When we think about our health, the natural tendency is to focus on good nutrition and exercise, and perhaps we spend less time focusing on how our environment can affect our wellbeing. If you want to clean up your house or apartment to make it a safer environment, check out these 8 suggestions to make your home more healthy.
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